Overview of Fibrous Limit Order

The Fibrous Limit Order feature is designed to offer users a decentralized trading experience familiar to them. With this feature, users can automatically execute on-chain buy/sell transactions within pre-set price ranges. It allows for the creation, modification, and cancellation of limit orders at no cost.

There's no need for constant monitoring to execute trades at target prices; orders remain settled until triggered at desired price points. Additionally, Fibrous ensures users can maintain self-custody of their assets until their orders are executed, enhancing security and control over their trading.

The Fibrous Interface is meticulously designed to facilitate easy execution of transactions. Users can effortlessly enter, cancel, or update their orders. Additionally, the integration with TradingView provides access to price charts, enabling users to perform price action analysis and detailed price reviews all within a single interface. This seamless integration enhances the trading experience, allowing for a comprehensive overview of market movements directly from the Fibrous platform.

Importance of Aggregator

To enhance the probability of filling limit orders, Fibrous has incorporated its Limit Orders as an extra source of liquidity within its Aggregator Protocol. This integration means that swaps processed through the Aggregator might also navigate through existing limit orders, broadening the scope of potential match-ups for those orders. Fibrous thus leverages a combined approach to offer its users access to the most effective liquidity options for their trading needs.

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